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New Yorkers Against Religion-Based Bigotry

Committee for 9/11 Accountability

Meeting topic:
What can New Yorkers do to support an independent investigation of 9/11?

Our meeting on Thursday, September 17, 2009

On Thursday, September 17, 2009, at 7:30 PM, New Yorkers Against Religion-Based Bigotry will hold a meeting to discuss concrete ways that New Yorkers can support an independent investigation of 9/11. We’ll discuss some of the controversies about the NYC-CAN ballot initiative to create an independent commission based here in New York City. We’ll also discuss other possible ways to counteract the 9/11 coverups, such as by supporting the efforts of Sibel Edmonds and other 9/11 whistleblowers.

The purpose of our meeting will be to brainstorm concrete actions that can be taken by those who want a new and independent investigation, or who otherwise want, by whatever means, to compel further exposure of what's been covered up.

Our meeting will be held at the Malibu Diner at 163 W 23rd Street, between 6th and 7th Avenue. If you would like to attend, please RSVP on our Meetup site, so we can know how big a table to ask for.

The NYC-CAN ballot initiative

The NYC-CAN ballot initiative is a proposed NYC ballot referendum to create a commission based here in New York City.

Many more than enough signatures have been gathered. The City has nevertheless rejected the proposed ballot referendum on various legal grounds. NYC-CAN is now preparing to challenge this decision in court.

With the aim of preventing the commission from being run by people beholden to the political powers that be, the proposed ballot referendum names the proposed commissioners. It remains to be seen whether this aspect of the ballot initiative can hold up in court.

There has been some controversy about the ballot initiative amongst 9/11 Truth activists here in NYC and elsewhere. There have been questions about the qualifications of some of the proposed commissioners. Also, some people have objected strenuously to the fact that NYC-CAN was launched by members of New York 9/11 Truth, headed by Les Jamieson, who has been criticized for giving a platform to people advocating the more extreme and improbable kinds of 9/11 "inside job" theories -- although NYC-CAN itself takes a somewhat more mainstream approach.

Nevertheless, NYC-CAN is endorsed by the "Jersey Girls" who, back in 2002, lobbied successfully for the creation of the 9/11 Commission. Lots of other people support it too. We hope that the proposed commission, though not perfect, will be able to compel exposure of at least some of what has been covered up. It may be our best hope for a truly independent investigation.

Sibel Edmonds and other 9/11 Whistleblowers

One topic we will discuss at the meeting will be the 9/11 whistleblowers. The article The 9/11 Commission: A Play on Nothing in Three Acts, by Sibel Edmonds & Bill Weaver, lists 13 whistleblowers and briefly describes the kinds of information they have tried to come forward with.

For more about Sibel Edmonds herself, see Sibel Edmonds on Mike Malloy, Friday, July 31, 2009, and Sibel 'names names' (in pictures!), Sunday, January 6, 2008, on the "Let Sibel Edmonds Speak!" blog. See also A Sibel Edmonds 'Bombshell' - Bin Laden Worked for U.S. Until 9/11, July 31, 2009, and some downloadable MP3's of Sibel Edmonds on the Mike Molloy show, June 24, 2009, on "The Brad Blog."

Patty Casazza, one of the “Jersey girls” who lobbied successfully for the creation of the 9/11 Commission, said at a conference in 2007 that she was approached by many whistleblowers, some of whom claimed to have known the exact date, the method, and the targets of the attack. Since we don’t know who these whistleblowers are, of course, we don’t know how credible they are. However, surely these whistleblowers should be interviewed as part of any real investigation. The 9/11 Commission ignored them, apparently.

More information about federal whistleblowers (including but not limited to 9/11 whistleblowers) can be found on the website of the National Whistleblower Center. See also this copy of an alert about Colleen Rowley, formerly posted on the National Whistleblower Center site.

NYARBB's position and role

NYARBB's Committee for 9/11 Accountability neither endorses nor opposes "inside job" theories. Individually, our members may hold a variety of opinions about "inside job" theories, ranging from strong proponents to strong opponents. As a group, we simply want an end to the coverups, without claiming to know what was covered up. We are especially concerned about a possible coverup of ongoing covert U.S. support for terrorism in the name of Islam.

On the other hand, we also oppose the religiously bigoted grand conspiracy ideology that has been promoted within some sectors of the 9/11 Truth movement.

NYARBB is a small group of activists interested in a variety of issues, primarily human-rights causes, some of them controversial.

NYARBB's Committee for 9/11 Accountability does not, itself, aspire to take any high-profile leading role in efforts toward an independent investigation of the U.S. government's actions before and on 9/11. 9/11 is not NYARBB's primary issue, nor can NYARBB (most of whose members are adherents of nonmainstream religions) project the culturally mainstream image that many 9/11 Truth activists would want in a leader.

Nevertheless, some of us do care deeply about 9/11. We aim to do what we can to encourage the 9/11 Truth movement to take effective concrete action toward either an independent investigation or other actions with legal teeth to reveal what has been covered up, whatever the real truth might turn out to be. We aim also to discourage religiously bigoted grand conspiracy ideology.

If you share our aims, or if you just want to discuss a variety of alternatives regarding 9/11 activism, please consider attending our meeting on Thursday, September 17, 2009, at 7:30 PM, and please RSVP on our Meetup site, so we can know how big a table to ask for.

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NYARBB: main site > Task forces > C911A > How to support an investigation of 9/11?